Is Your Business Generating
Enough Cash to Meet Your Goals?

Our Dynamic Accounting Will Ensure That You Make Data-Driven
Decisions To Guide You Towards Your Future Goals

Does Your Accounting Make You Feel Like You Are Driving
Your Business Looking In The Rear View Mirror?

Our Financial Projections Allow You To See Into The Future, Course Correct
Along Your Business Highway, And End Up At Your Planned Destination

Do You Only See Your CPA At Tax Time?

We Partner With Our Clients With A High-Tech,
High-Touch, Year-Round Service

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Visibility into your Financial Data:

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device.

Welcome to Unalp CPA Group, Inc. We are not your typical CPA firm. We are a unique and innovative firm who specializes in the outsourced accounting needs of emerging and small businesses, healthcare organizations (including medical and dental practices), and nonprofit organizations. Our new predictive technology, Dynamic Accounting, can predict your sales, costs and cash flow for the next year.   Our professional practices allow you to confidently go about your other duties to the organization knowing that our high tech and high touch approach will handle your accounting needs promptly and thoroughly, and you will receive accurate reporting on time and according to schedule.

Emerging and Small Business

Serve your customers and grow your business, knowing that Unalp accounting services have you covered.  Outsourcing gives you the control, clarity, and reliability you need.

Healthcare Organizations

The accounting complexities of healthcare are among the most challenging of any industry.  Unalp’s healthcare accounting expertise ensure you get accurate, compliant, and timely reporting.

Nonprofit Organizations

Unalp understands the unique accounting needs of Nonprofit Organizations from reporting compliance to outcome measures and metrics.

Finance Diagnostic Assessment for Nonprofits

A Unalp CPA Group Finance Diagnostic Assessment will provide your organization with:

• An independent analysis of the challenges the finance team faces
• Documentation of the actions and costs required to improve the current situation
• Analysis of potential risks on the horizon if problem areas are not remediated
• A realistic timeline mapping the time required to deploy recommended solutions

Who uses Unalp CPA Group outsourced accounting services?

Nonprofits like Industrial Emergency Council (IEC) providing training for fire fighters, government agencies, and more. Click on the image of the fire fighters to access the case study.

Growing Businesses like Pillow, an early stage VC-backed subscription business. Click on the Pillow logo to the right to access the case study.